My Green Doctor
We provide dozens of Action Steps that your office can adopt for lowering your energy use and saving money. This will reduce the amount of fossil fuels used to generate electricity, reducing both the national fuel bill and the air pollution from the burning of these fuels. Every idea in this Workbook can be taken home to share with your family and your patients’ families.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) promotes efficiency and operational improvements for increased quality, accountability, and stewardship of CDC assets. As part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), CDC promotes sustainable workplaces because healthy environments are a requirement for human health.

Worldwatch Institute
10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green. We’ve partnered with the Million Car Carbon Campaign to help you find ways to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint. This campaign is uniting conscious consumers around the world to prevent the emissions-equivalent of 1 million cars from entering the atmosphere each year.

Carbon Trust
Employee awareness and office energy efficiency. Improve energy efficiency in your office with our free energy-saving guides, and download employee engagement materials, posters and stickers about? What makes it interesting?